Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber acerca de la Hermandad Musulmana (en inglés)

On this week’s special edition of Stakelbeck on Terror, CBN News examines the Muslim Brotherhood — a group that’s committed to jihad, sharia law and establishing Islamic domination in the U.S.

The organization shares the same goals as al Qaeda, but some experts believe — as a long-term threat to American security — the Brotherhood is more dangerous than Osama bin Laden’s followers.

Watch as former FBI special agent John Guandolo, ex-CIA officer Brian Fairchild and leading investigative journalist Patrick Poole break down the Brotherhood’s history, goals and its infiltration of leading U.S. government and educational institutions.

Also, stay with for part two of their discussion on the Oct. 4 edition of Stakelbeck on Terror. The panel will give recommendations on how America can fight back against the Muslim Brotherhood’s threat.

Click play to watch this week’s edition of Stakelbeck on Terror with CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck. Watch the previous edition here.

Have a comment or want to give feedback for the “From the Bunker” viewer mailbag segment? Click here to email the show. Also, learn more about Erick Stakelbeck here and visit his blog, Stakelbeck on Terror.

Texto y video extraidos de la pagina oficial de cbn para ver este articulo en su contexto original visitar el siguiente link

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